

Empowering Your Loved Ones: Strategies for Effective Support

Here are ways you can help your loved ones know that they are not alone.

In school, having the right support system can make all the difference. Supporting your loved ones through their educational journey is more than just being a cheerleader; 它是关于在那里 有意义的 他们会记住的方式. Pursuing a degree or certification can feel like a rollercoaster of excitement 和 challenges, 以及配偶的角色, 家庭, 朋友是至关重要的.

Here are ways you can help your loved ones know that they are not alone.


It is important to offer emotional support for individuals who may be in roles that require constant empathy. 想想医疗保健或护理. You have to balance compassion 和 caregiving with being ready at a moment’s notice when chaos can strike. 如果你的配偶正在承受这种情感上的损失, your support might be the energy boost that pushes them through the day.

在长时间工作是常态的行业, stress to them the significance of a healthy work-life balance. 计划每周的亮点,比如约会之夜, 与朋友共进晚餐, or attending their kid's sporting events can be an automatic recharge to the system.

Your emotional support is a linchpin for resilience 和 success, ensuring that your loved ones not only navigate their careers but thrive in the face of challenges.


Prioritizing health 和 wellness can be crucial when your friends are working their way through school. 软件下载很容易忘记一些事情, like taking a break or maintaining a regular meal or sleep schedule.

Please encour年龄 them to take regular breaks during dem和ing shifts, 促进他们的心理健康, 比如将冥想或瑜伽融入日常生活. Health 和 wellness should be seen as a cornerstone of their success, allowing them to not only navigate their professional journeys but to flourish in the process.


像毕业这样的大事件更容易被记住, but celebrating the little moments on a loved one’s path toward success can be just as important.

Accomplishments like the successful completion of clinical rotations or passing licensing exams deserve celebration. 当那些时刻到来的时候, please take the opportunity to bring friends 和 家庭 together 和 acknowledge the work they’ve invested in pursuit of their dreams.

You can recognize their accomplishments while also contributing to a stronger 家庭 or friendship dynamic — if you don’t show how you support them, 他们可能并不总能看到.


如果你们有共同的兴趣, maybe their educational journey can fuel your own path to greater career success. Many friends 和 spouses find that pursuing these goals together brings them closer. Maybe while he is seeking his nursing degree, you can look into that IT certification. 也有机会分享经验.

By actively participating in the educational 和 professional journey of your friends or spouses, you not only strengthen your relationship but also contribute significantly to their success 和 fulfillment in nursing, 医疗保健, 商业或技术.

The secret of scholarly success isn't just about hitting professional milestones—it often comes from the genuine support you receive from those you love.

At Herzing大学, 软件下载的学生和教师建立了持续一生的纽带, but there’s something extra special that comes with knowing your friends 和 家庭 have your back 和 believe in you. 而是在他们最艰难的时刻陪伴他们, 鼓励自我保健, popping the champagne for the wins 和 actively joining in on their journey. Remember that your role is more than just sideline cheering; it's being a key player in their journey to success. Cheers to embracing the ride 和 celebrating the victories together!



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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